Sunday, 11 March 2012

Assignment 4

Spent the last 10 days after coming out of hospital deciding on my approach to the assignment and then researching the necessary material to make sense of it all.

Decided to use the film "Battle of Algiers" as the hook to hang my assignment on. The background had piqued my interest and my feelings about the approach of Dyer (see previous blog) that I feel is over-simplistic (blackness/whiteness) also provided some of the motivation to complete the work. As always heavy reliance upon the internet to find the necessary background reading and the opportunity to follow interesting leads in linked topics. Sometimes I think that it would not be possible to do this Course without access to the internet because relying upon the local Library to find the resources necessary would have meant me camping out there. Even so I seemed to spend a great deal of time finding and reading the necessary material.

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